September 22, 2024
Acts 17

This week, Pastor David taught a message from Acts that reflects on Paul's continuing journey to spread the Gospel. In the message he unpacked how:

  • God is Great
  • God is Creator
  • God is Sovereign
  • God is Relational
  • God is Judge


  • Paul is civil and curious as he builds a bridge with the people in Athens. Paul saw their hunger for worship and shared with them who the real God truly is and what He has done for them in Jesus. Who is the person in your life that you can approach following Paul’s pattern in this passage?
  • Paul shared a God-centered message (God is Great; God is Creator; God is Sovereign; God is Relational; and God is Judge). How does this God-centered message give you courage as you face the week ahead?
  • Pastor David reminded us that our call is to deliver the message, but only God can open the door of the heart. God and only God saves. Have you ever been afraid to share your faith with someone because you thought it was your responsibility to wait and see if the person was going to accept God’s gift of salvation?
  • As Christians, we need to train our ears to hear the echo of Eden, the longing of every heart that is created in the image of God. Pastor David gave us an invitation for the coming weeks and months:
  1. Pray that God will give you an opportunity for someone to see or hear about the change that you are making in your life because of your walk with the Lord.
  2. Pray that God will give you wisdom to see these opportunities.
  3. Pray that God will give you the courage to be faithful to your witness. How do you need to change your schedule this week to make more room to accept this invitation?

The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24–26