July 28, 2024

The God Who Refreshes

Psalm 84


This week, Pastor David brought a message from Psalm 84, reflecting on the God who refreshes. We pondered:


  • The Temple Where God Meets Us
  • The Valley Where God Grows Us
  • God is Above Us, Before Us, For Us, and With Us




  • The Bible is a literary document full of beauty, especially the Psalms. Psalm 84 is beautiful poetry that opens us up to encounter the living God before us. What are your thoughts and feelings as you read and meditate on this Psalm?


  • Pastor David shared that the Psalmist longed for something that was a precursor to the true meeting place between God and humanity—the living temple, Jesus, the Christ. We have access to the Creator of the universe, our Heavenly Father, through the work of Jesus on our behalf. The Spirit of God dwells in us. Describe how this truth encourages, comforts, and even challenges you.


  • The Psalmist gives testimony to this truth (Psalm 84:6): With God, even the valleys of life can become places of growth. What valleys are you walking through right now? How have you learned that your deepest joys in life cannot be taken away from you because they are secure in God?


  • Pastor David reminded us that Psalm 84:11 teaches that no matter our feelings, our perceptions, or our opinions, God gets the last word in our lives. Which one of the images in this verse—God above you/God before you/God for you/God with you—gives you courage as you face the week ahead? How do you need to change your schedule in the coming days to make more time for prayer, study, silence, solitude, and reflection?


The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24–26






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