Preschool Sundays
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“O Lord, I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” — Psalm 119:11
We invite your family to join us for Bible Study and Worship on Sunday mornings at Dawson! Sundays are a busy and exciting time for preschoolers at Dawson. We want to make your child’s first experience here a positive one! Sunday visitors should come to the main nursery welcome desk (see map here) so that we can register your child and get him or her to an age-appropriate classroom.
If you wish, you can fill out this form ahead of time and bring it with you. Continue reading below to learn more about our Sunday morning schedule. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or email Brooke Gibson, Minister to Preschoolers at (205) 871-7324 or Brooke is also available for Nursery/ Preschool Area tours by appointment.
Preschool Life Group
Preschool Life Groups, for infants through kindergarteners, are child-friendly Bible study classes! We know that preschoolers learn best by playing and doing. Children learn Bible stories and scripture in small groups, through engaging in hands-on learning activities. The first hour that preschoolers are on campus is spent in Life Groups (even if the parent goes to worship first).
Life Groups are offered at 8:30 a.m. and 9:45 a.m. After Life Groups, preschoolers stay in their same classroom to be part of Excel Hour. (You can read more about Excel Hour below.) Preschool Life Groups are structured to build a biblical foundation in the lives of young children.
What happens after the Life Group Hour?
Excel Hour volunteers care for our Babies and young preschoolers in their classrooms after Life Groups (9:45 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.). Twos and Threes enjoy a short time of Preschool Praise during the hour. Fours and Fives attend Preschool Worship as a large group. The Bible lessons, activities, and music during Excel Hour complement Life Groups.