December 15, 2024
That Whoever Believes In Him
John 3:16

This week, Pastor David continued a special series for Advent. In the message, he answered two important questions:

  • Who Can Receive This Gift? "Whoever"
  • How Do We Receive This Gift? "Whoever Believes In Him."


  • Pastor David shared that “whoever” believes can receive the perfect gift of God’s Son, Jesus (John 3:36; John 4:14; John 6:27; and Titus 2:11). Jesus’ love extends to whoever believes in Him, and He can save you however He finds you. How does God’s love and grace fill you with joy during this Advent season and every day?

  • While we tend to gravitate to the phrase, “God helps those who help themselves,” Jesus simply invites us to believe in Him. We look to Him and trust Him to heal us, forgive us, and save us. How does the Old Testament story that Jesus pointed to in John 3:14–15 help you to see God’s solution to our sin problem more clearly (Numbers 21:6–9)?

  • The bent of the human heart is to think that we can make up for our mistakes with hard work, grit, and determination. We think we must earn God’s affection and free gift in Jesus. What lesson from your childhood or circumstances tempts you to think that you must earn God’s free gift of grace by faith in Jesus? How can you change your schedule this week to have more time for confession and reflection?

  • In this message, Pastor David shared that all religions can’t lead to God because all religions are not pointing the way to God in Jesus. Any religion that says that your work saves you or your deeds save you is contradictory to the foundation of our faith (John 14:6). He offers a unique-to-Him invitation in which He works and we trust, He dies and we live, and He invites and we believe in Him. What co-worker, family member, or friend can you pray for the opportunity to share the gift of God through Jesus?


• To view past sermons in this series, please click here.

The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.
Numbers 6:24–26

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