AfterThoughts: September 16, 2018

September 16, 2018 | Genesis: Act II Portraits That Still Speak Genesis 14:17-24 As we continued in the Book of Genesis this week, Pastor... read more

September Recipe - Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie

Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie Ingredients 1 cup frozen blueberries or mixed berries 1... read more

September Recipe - Edamame Salad

Edamame Salad Ingredients 1 lb frozen edamame (cook per package instructions) 1 red bell... read more

AfterThoughts: September 9, 2018

September 9, 2018 | Genesis: Act II When A Hero Comes Along Genesis 14:1-16 As we continued in the Book of Genesis this week, Pastor David... read more

AfterThoughts: September 2, 2018

September 2, 2018 | Genesis: Act II After You Fall – Then What? Genesis 13:1-18 As we continued in the Book of Genesis this week, Pastor... read more

Dawson Welcomes New College Minister

It’s almost that time of year again—where the temperature starts to drop (hopefully), high school and college football comes back on the scene, and... read more

AfterThoughts: August 26, 2018

August 26, 2018 | Genesis: Act II When The Faithful Fall Genesis 12:10-20 As we continued in the Book of Genesis this week, Pastor David... read more

More Than Just Music

Dawson Music Academy Makes Lasting Impact As the elevator opens on the third floor of the North Building, you hear the sounds of music. A violin to the... read more

AfterThoughts: August 19, 2018

Genesis: Act II “Abraham: An Amazing Journey of Faith” Genesis 12:1-7 Pastor David began a new sermon series from Genesis this week and... read more

My Life Group Story

When Ben and I moved to the Birmingham area in late 2011, we quickly began searching for a church home. We joined another church in the area and visited life... read more