Surprised by Doubt 

CO-ED // Wednesdays // September 4, 11, and 18 // 6:00 p.m. // Chapel 
Dr. Joshua Chatraw, Billy Graham Chair of Evangelism and Cultural Engagement at Beeson Divinity School, will lead a three-week study helping us rediscover a deeper faith in the midst of a confusing world. Join us as we explore our ancient faith for a new perspective on contemporary Christianity.

Led by Dr. Joshua Chatraw

Click here for more information and to register.

When You Pray

WOMEN // Wednesdays beginning September 4 // 9:30 a.m. // 254 North
Prayer is a gift—an invitation to talk with God. But prayer can be challenging. Do you have trouble thinking of words to say, fear some emotions are too intense to express to God, or reach the end of a day only to realize you haven’t prayed at all? You are not alone. Thankfully in God’s Word we encounter many voices who teach us how to pray. You’ll find that when you pray, your faith is strengthened and your heart is united to Jesus. Through these sessions, our hope is that these prayers will inspire our own prayers. 

Led by Marilyn Johnson & Robbie Roberts

Click here for more information and to register.

Romans: Part 3 - The Sovereignty of God and the Free Will of Man

Precept Study // Wednesdays beginning September 4 // 257 North
WOMEN 9:30 a.m. // CO-ED 6:00 p.m.

Our precept study will continue in Romans this semester. Romans 9–11 is an extended discussion on the subject of God’s sovereignty—election, predestination, and responsibility—focusing on His choice of Israel and His faithfulness to His covenant. 

Led by Sharon Wells

Click here to register for the morning session. Click here to register for the evening session.

Moms in Prayer

WOMEN // Wednesdays beginning September 4 // 6:00 p.m. // 251 North
In this group, Dawson moms meet and pray together during the school year for our children and their schools. Moms in Prayer is an international organization that impacts children and schools worldwide for Christ by gathering moms together to pray. Please join us as we pray for our children and grandchildren, no matter their ages, and for the schools they attend. 

Led by Deanne Guthrie

Click here to register.


CO-ED Wednesdays beginning September 4 // 6:00 p.m. // 252 North
DivorceCare is a 13-week program that helps people find healing and hope after divorce or separation. The program is designed to be a safe and caring place to find support and help. The program is made up of three main parts: video, group discussion, and a participant book for practical application. Each week, we watch a 30-minute video with practical suggestions from counselors and other experts on divorce recovery. DivorceCare leaders, Phyllis and MJ Lyons, have been through divorce themselves and want to help others get to a place of healing and recovery. The program presents biblical teaching on marriage, divorce, forgiveness, conflict resolution, and reconciliation. 

Led by Phyllis & MJ Lyons

Click here to register.

Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study

MEN // Mondays beginning September 9 // 7:00 a.m. // Social Hall 
This fall, we will be studying Colossians and Philemon. Our desire is to exalt Christ through the pages of these two books including a time of application and discussion. For those who would like breakfast, the cost is $6 and is served at 7:00 a.m. in the Social Hall. 

Led by Dawson Staff and Teaching Team

Click here for more information and to register.

Questions That Every Christian Should Ask (And Answer)

CO-ED Wednesdays beginning September 25 // 11:00 a.m. Chapel // 6:00 p.m. Social Hall
Join us as we examine some questions every Christian should ask (and answer). Pastor David and other staff members will help us discover how Scripture answers these critical questions.

Some topics include:

  • Is the Bible actually true?

  • Can we know for sure that Jesus was raised from the dead?

  • Why does a good God allow so much suffering?

  • Were Adam and Eve real people?

  • Does the Bible condone genocide?

  • Does the Bible justify slavery?

  • Does the Bible actually condemn same-sex relationships?

  • Why doesn’t a loving God save everyone?

Led by Dr. David Eldridge

Click here to register.

Having The Marriage You’ve Always Wanted

CO-ED Wednesdays beginning September 25 // 6:00 p.m. // 254 North
Beth and Steve Singletary will unpack the big ideas shared in the Marriage Seminar on Sunday, September 8. During these Wednesday evening sessions, we will learn practical ways to improve our communication, conflict resolution, and much more, to maximize our joy and His glory. There will be an opportunity for questions at the end of each session.

Led by Beth & Steve Singletary

Click here to register.

Growing Up: How to Be a Disciple Who Makes Disciples

CO-ED // Wednesdays beginning September 25 // 6:00 p.m. // 253 North
If you are serious about being a disciple of Jesus Christ, a discipleship group (D-group) can help you achieve that goal. Jesus established this model by forming and leading the first discipleship group. Through this class, we will address the “what, why, where and how” of discipleship groups. At Dawson, our desire is to launch new D-groups each year. By the end of this class, you will be equipped and ready to launch a D-group. 

Led by Jonathan Propes

Click here to register.

Spiritual Disciplines

CO-ED Wednesdays beginning September 25 // 6:15 p.m. // 255 North
In this first semester (Part 2 will be taught in spring 2025), we will explore the “classic” spiritual disciplines of the Christian faith: meditation, prayer, fasting, and study. Utilizing Richard Foster’s Celebration of Discipline and other trusted resources, we will follow a two-week cycle of reading, discussing as a group, and practicing each of the disciplines. Join us as we discover that the purpose of spiritual disciplines is to “allow us to place ourselves before God so that he can transform us.” 

Led by Jan Kennamer Hart & Liz Cuenin

Click here to register.

StoryTellers Live

WOMEN // Wednesdays beginning September 25 // 6:00 p.m. // 256 North
StoryTellers Live exists for women’s faith to be increased, for freedom to be found, and for community to be built. In this 8-week study, we will listen to personal stories from Dawson women, to see how God reveals Himself in specific ways. In the last two weeks, we will guide you through writing your own story as you discover God in the details of your life through timelines, finding “God highlights,” and spending time with Him.

Led by Rebekah Black & Taryn Temples

Click here to register.