FEBRUARY 21-22 - 2020
24 Hours 4 Him has been revamped, and renamed, ALL IN 4 HIM.

ALL IN 4 HIM is dedicated to Bible study, worship, games, and interactive learning activities. For ALL IN 4 HIM, we take a theme and devote our time to  making the Bible Truth a part of each 1st-5th grader’s everyday life.

Kids will go home with an interactive devotion to inspire further digging into the Word.

COST (New this year: You can register for just Friday night, just Saturday day, or go ALL IN both days)

Friday Night Only: $25
Saturday Day Only: $50

GET AN EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT of 25% off by submitting your registration by February 2nd.

**For whatever day you sign up for, you're signing up for that whole time.**

Registration ends 10:00PM, February 12th. No late registrations will be accepted. This cost includes meals, snack,
t-shirt, supplies, and a special concert by Kara Young.