Our group includes many married couples, but we also have a few singles who attend. Most of our members have retired from the workforce. We study the Bible using LifeWay's "Explore The Bible" curriculum, which leads us through sections of the entire Bible in about three years. We have two or three teachers who take a few weeks at a time to lead our study and discussion.


  • Category

    Life Groups

  • Lifestage

    Adults 65+

  • Type


  • When

    Sunday at 9:45 a.m.

  • Location

    205 West

  • Leader(s)

    Kurt Kilpatrick & Jerre Johnson

  • Contact


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If you need help selecting a Life Group, please fill out the request form.

For information about Sunday morning Life Groups for preschoolers, kids, and students, please click one of the links below.
Preschool Sundays  •  Dawson Kids Sundays  •  DSM Sundays