In-Between: Something Is Always Pivoting

09/07/2023 Dawson Women's Ministry
In this episode, we talk with 3 Dawson Staff members about Jesus and our own in-between experiences. ...

Woes: Rebuilding Religion - Promises, Pledges & Power To Get Ahead

09/06/2023 Dawson College & Young Adult Ministries Cole Griffith, Minister To College Students
Promises, Pledges and Power To Get Ahead from Matthew 23:16-22

We're Back For Season 2!

08/31/2023 Dawson Women's Ministry Rachel Langston & Kristen Torres
In this episode, we introduce Season 2 of the "Everywhere You Are" Podcast! ...

Woes: Rebuilding Religion - Ruthless Rabbis

08/30/2023 Dawson College & Young Adult Ministries Cole Griffith, Minister To College Students
Ruthless Rabbis from Matthew 23:1-12

Living As A Peacemaker

05/24/2023 Dawson Women's Ministry Keri Cartee & Phyllis Lyons
In this episode, we discuss how we can live peaceably with ourselves and those around us. ...

What Does It Mean To Be Pure In Heart?

05/10/2023 Dawson Women's Ministry Andrea Mullins & Carrie Mullis
In this episode, we discuss what it looks like to live our lives with purity. ...

Living With Integrity

05/02/2023 Dawson Women's Ministry
In this episode, we discuss what it looks like to practice integrity in our parenting, our work life and with everyone we encounter. ...

Ambassadors For Christ

04/19/2023 Dawson College Ministry Jacob Pierce, Minister to Young Adults
2 Corinthians 5

Psalms//Psalms 22

04/06/2023 Dawson College Ministry Bryan Howard
In your darkest hour, peace begins with honesty to God, trust in God, and praise towards God. There is no better model than Christ.

Psalms//Psalm 73

03/30/2023 Cole Griffith, Minister to College Students
Through the Psalmist Asaph, Psalm 73 takes us on a challenging ascent of questions that find their resolution in the righteousness of God and His anointed.

Psalms // Psalm 130: A Model For Confession

03/22/2023 Dawson College Ministry
Psalm 130 offers us a template for genuine confession, which begins with a cry for God's forgiveness and relies on the hope of God's promises and character revealed through Jesus Christ. // Aubrey Johnston

A Conversation With Lisa McNair

In our first episode of 2023, we have the opportunity to discuss mercy with author and Dawson member, Lisa McNair. It's a conversation full of laughter, truth & hope. Don't miss it! ...

Psalms//Psalms 23

Psalm 23- The Lord is My Shepherd ...

One Another: Bear One Another's Burdens

03/01/2023 Dawson College & Young Adult Service
We fulfill the law of Christ when we live in interdependence of one another. ...

One Another: Be At Peace With One Another

02/15/2023 Dawson College & Young Adult Service
To experience peace with one another, we must have peace with God and the peace of God. ...

One Another: Love One Another

02/15/2023 Dawson College & Young Adult Service
We love because He first loved us. ...
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