August 13, 2023

A Witness To The Light

1 John 5:14–15

This week, Pastor David started a series from the Gospel of John entitled "Entrusted". He shared:

  • The Importance Of Our Witness, v. 6
  • The Content Of Our Witness, vv. 7–8


  • Think about the people that shared the Gospel with you and those that have pointed you toward Jesus. What specific things did they do that captured your interest and attention?
  • In our current culture, what distracts you from the reality that humanity's greatest need is a Savior? How are you challenged by the fact that God's plan for sharing Jesus is ordinary people like you?
  • Christ followers have been entrusted with the holy responsibility of pointing others to Jesus. Who do you know that needs to hear the message of Jesus?
  • Pastor David encouraged us to pray the following daily prayer as a way to take the next step forward in pointing people to Jesus: “God, give me today an opportunity to point someone to Jesus, the wisdom to see it, and the courage to act on it.” How can you incorporate this prayer into your daily prayer routine?

The grace of the LORD Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. ~ 2 Corinthians 13:14 




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