
August 14, 2022

Sermon Series: To Be Found Faithful As God’s People

Sermon Title: God’s Word Is Our Authority

Scripture:  Psalm 19:7–14


Today, Pastor David began a series on Dawson's Theological Vision entitled “To Be Found Faithful As God’s People". This series will answer the question, How do we define faithfulness at Dawson?

  • God's Word Is Our Authority Because It Is Inspired By Him.
  • God's Word Is Our Authority Because It is True.
  • God's Word As Our Authority Is Timely and Transformative.

Going Deeper:

  • Pastor David shared that God’s Word is our authority because it is inspired by Him (verses 7–9). While God did not dictate the writing (i.e. the authors didn’t go into a trance), the Spirit did come upon the biblical writers and inspire them. What amazes you about the Bible?
  • There are six adjectives in verses 7– 9 to show the Bible can be trusted;  it is perfect, sure, right, pure, clean, and true. In this age of disinformation, how have you learned that the Word of God will not lead you astray, deceive you, or take advantage of you? Explain.
  • In our culture of focusing on individual truth, how does the Bible inform your thoughts and daily actions?
  • God’s Word as our authority is timely and transformative. How is God’s Word transforming you?

Additional Information:  

2 Timothy 3:16

2 Peter 1:21

Hebrews 4:12

"This volume is the writing of the living God...everywhere I find God speaking; it is God's voice, not man's, the words are God's words, the words of the Eternal, the Invisible, the Almighty, the Jehovah of this earth. The Bible is God's Bible, and when I see it, I seem to hear a voice springing up from it saying, 'I am the book of God: man, read me'." 

~ Charles Spurgeon

"Christians, don't simply learn or study or use Scripture; we assimilate it, take it into our lives in such a way that it gets metabolized into acts of love, cups of cold water, missions into all the world, healing and evangelism and justice in Jesus' name, hands raised in adoration of the Father, feet washed in company with the Son." 

~Eugene Peterson, Eat This Book: A Conversation In The Art Of Spiritual Reading

  May the LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace. ~ Numbers 6:24–26




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