August 18, 2024
Acts 15:1–33

This week, Pastor David taught a message from Acts that reflects on Paul's continuing journey to spread the Gospel. This week we unpacked:

  • The Centrality of Gospel Clarity (Acts 15:1–18)
  • The Centrality of Gospel Community (Acts 15:19–21)


  • Throughout history, the right people at the right moments have been in “The Room Where It Happens.” This is true of Acts 15. What surprises you about this story? What encourages you?


  • At the first church council during the years of the early church in Jerusalem, centrality of the Gospel was at stake. The central question was: Is salvation by faith in Jesus alone through His grace alone, or is it Jesus plus “something” else? Pastor David shared that clarity is charity when it comes to the central doctrines of the faith. Is the centrality of the Gospel clear in your own life? What do you tend to “add” to faith in addition to Jesus?


  • James, in an attempt to keep the Christian community central in the early church, said there were practical marks in our lives that are an outgrowth of faith. The Gentile believers had a responsibility to leave behind some things to follow Jesus. Both Gentile and Jewish Christians had to learn to live out of love for the sake of each other. What in your life might be an obstacle to your fellowship with other believers? Are you praying for unity in your church, community, and family?


  • Pastor David reminded us that this story meets us powerfully in our cultural moment. In 2024, it is so easy to live in ways that always cater to our own preferences. Despite their disagreements and distinct preferences, the early church maintained their integrity and unity; and through the power of God’s Spirit, they continued to pursue their mission. How have you let your preferences become your priorities? What can you do this week to live in a way that prioritizes the needs of others?

The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24–26

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