August 25, 2024
Doubting Thomas
John 20:24-31

This week we enjoyed guest speaker Dr. Joshua Chatraw, Billy Graham Chair of Evangelism and Cultural Engagement, Beeson Divinity School. He will be leading a 3-week study on his book, Surprised by Doubt, on Wednesday nights in September. In his sermon this Sunday he talked about:

  • What Doubt May Look Like in People Around You
  • What Doubt Looked Like From Someone Closest to Jesus
  • How We Can Walk With Someone Who is Going Through Doubt


  • We need to hear the stories of doubt from Scripture (from Job to the Psalms to the Gospels) but neither celebrate nor condemn them. The wise will walk with God through times of doubt, and the compassionate will speak kindly to those who also travel that journey. What times of doubt have you experienced? How can Thomas’ example encourage and challenge you?
  • Dr. Chatraw gave us three things to do during times of doubt: 1) find hospitable Christians and keep coming around; 2) reconsider the reasons to believe in the resurrection; and 3) try on Jesus’ offer of peace. Which of these three do you need to concentrate on this week?
  • Believing the eyewitnesses to the resurrection helps us address our doubts from a different posture. We do not need to have an existential crisis when we are not sure of the answers to the questions in our faith. Why is this such an important posture to adopt when dealing with doubt?
  • While we often think it is “control”, that brings peace, only Jesus can give us the peace and hope for which our hearts long. Dr. Chatraw shared that the flourishing, peaceful life (abundant life) is not a life of anxious achievement but a life of grateful thankfulness for the gift that Jesus gives us. In what areas of your life do you struggle with the desire to control or have “anxious achievement”? How can you change your schedule this week to have more time for prayer, silence, reflection on the need to control and the anxiety it produces?


Dr. Chatraw's Wednesday Class: Surprised by Doubt

The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24–26

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