August 27, 2023

A Model To Imitate

John 4

This week, Pastor David continued the series from the Gospel of John entitled Entrusted. He showed us that, when pointing others to salvation,

  • Jesus Was Willing To Go Out Of His Way
  • Jesus Was Willing To Cross Barriers
  • Jesus Was Willing To Refocus The Conversation


  • The best way to learn a skill (playing a musical instrument; cooking; a sport, etc.) is to imitate someone who already does the skill well. What skills have you learned, and who did you imitate to learn them?
  • Jesus is our model for telling others about Him as the source of our salvation. How can you keep your calendar and your schedule from becoming more important than opportunities to talk with others about Jesus?
  • Pastor David shared that Jesus was willing to cross barriers to share "living water" with the Samaritan woman. When have the barriers of prejudice, fear, or pride kept you from reaching out and pointing people to the Gospel? How can you overcome those barriers?
  • Will you pray for opportunities to share Jesus with those you interact with? And, will you follow-up those prayers by sharing when God gives you opportunities to have a conversation about Him?


The grace of the LORD Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. ~ 2 Corinthians 13:14 





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