December 16, 2018

Mary: The Portrait Of A Surprised Mother

Luke 1:26-28

This morning, Pastor David continued the series, “Christmas Portraits” with a message about Mary. Reread Luke 1:26-38 as you consider these questions.

  • Why do many assume that God doesn’t use youth/children in His work?
  • How have you seen God use unknown, unlikely people as opposed to those who are well-known and “famous? How is God using YOU in this season of your life?
  • Do you believe in the “virgin birth”? Why or why not?
  • What are you willing to lose for the call of God on your life - Family, Friends, Status, Influence? Explain.

In your time with God this week,

1. Thank God for using everyone, even the most unlikely, for His work.

2. Ask God to help you trust Him completely when His instructions seem unlikely and overwhelming.

3. Commit to have the same attitude as Mary – “let it be to me according to Your Word” – when God calls you to what seems impossible.