January 5, 2025
The Parable Of The Sower
Luke 8:4–15

This week, Pastor David began a new sermon series, Stories That Still Speak. In this message about the Parable of the Sower, he shared that we find four different types of hearts in this passage:


  • Pastor David explained that the parables draw upon the everyday aspects of life to teach us deep spiritual truths. What is your favorite parable of Jesus? Why?

  • One of the types of hearts illustrated in the Parable of the Sower is the hardened heart that has been exposed to the Gospel but never takes root. The Gospel made a momentary impression, but the enemy steals the seed away. Who do you need to pray for this week that has a hardened heart to the Gospel? How can you reach out and demonstrate God’s love to this person?

  • While Jesus did not demonize the riches and pleasures of our earthly experience, He did describe a heart that is preoccupied by the things of this world. When are you tempted to tell Jesus that you need to check your calendar and get back with Him about taking up your cross daily? How are you giving your first-rate energy to third-rate causes?

  • Jesus also described a receptive heart. This heart believes the Bible is their authority and trusts God as He speaks in and through His Word. Over time, the seed of God’s Word produces a harvest of good, Christ-like character. With receptive hearts, Pastor David encouraged us to bear fruit with patience (v.15) as we sow the seeds of the Gospel and as we grow ourselves. What tempts you to forget that God is still working on you? How do you need to change your schedule this week so you have more time for prayer, silence, and studying God’s Word?


• To view past sermons, please click here.

The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you;
theLORD turn his face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24–26

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