July 3, 2022
Sermon Title: Thyatira: The Wandering Church
Scripture: Revelation 2:18–29
This week, Pastor David continued the sermon series from Revelation, looking at the church at Thyatira.
Going Deeper:
Think about your life as a follower of Christ. Has there been growth and progress in your Christian life? Explain.
When are you tempted to “want it both ways”? How do you fight that temptation?
Pastor David shared that Jesus’ message to the believers in Thyatria is the clarion call to turn from our tendency toward a divided heart. Which type of idolatry (described from Tim Keller’s book, Counterfeit Gods), is a temptation for you?
How are you encouraged by God’s willingness to forgive you when you repent of your idolatry and divided heart?
Additional Information:
1 Kings 16–19
Counterfeit Gods by Tim Keller
I have power and influence over others.” (Power Idolatry)
I am loved and respected by _____.” (Approval Idolatry)
I have this kind of pleasure experience, a particular quality of life.” (Comfort idolatry)
I am able to get mastery over my life in the area of _____.” (Control Idolatry)
People are dependent on me and need me.” (Helping Idolatry)
Someone is there to protect me and keep me safe.” (Dependence Idolatry)
I am completely free from obligations or responsibilities to take care of someone.” (Independence Idolatry)
I am highly productive and getting a lot done.” (Work Idolatry)
I am being recognized for my accomplishments, and I am excelling in my work.” (Achievement Idolatry)
I have a certain level of wealth, financial freedom, and very nice possessions.” (Materialism Idolatry)
I am adhering to my religion’s moral codes and accomplished in its activities.” (Religion Idolatry)
My race and culture is ascendant and recognized as superior.” (Racial/cultural Idolatry)
A particular social grouping or professional grouping or other group lets me in.” (Inner ring Idolatry)
My children and/or my parents are happy and happy with me.” (Family Idolatry)
Mr. or Ms. “Right” is in love with me.” (Relationship Idolatry)
I am hurting, in a problem; only then do I feel worthy of love or able to deal with guilt.” (Suffering Idolatry)
My political or social cause is making progress and ascending in influence or power.” (Ideology Idolatry)
I have a particular kind of look or body image.” (Image Idolatry)
May the LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.
~ Numbers 6:24–26
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