
July 3, 2022

Sermon Title: Thyatira: The Wandering Church

ScriptureRevelation 2:18–29

This week, Pastor David continued the sermon series from Revelation, looking at the church at Thyatira.

Going Deeper:  

  • Think about your life as a follower of Christ. Has there been growth and progress in your Christian life? Explain.
  • When are you tempted to “want it both ways”? How do you fight that temptation?
  • Pastor David shared that Jesus’ message to the believers in Thyatria is the clarion call to turn from our tendency toward a divided heart. Which type of idolatry (described from Tim Keller’s book, Counterfeit Gods), is a temptation for you? 
  • How are you encouraged by God’s willingness to forgive you when you repent of your idolatry and divided heart?

Additional Information:  

1 Kings 16–19

Counterfeit Gods by Tim Keller


  1. I have power and influence over others.” (Power Idolatry)
  2. I am loved and respected by _____.” (Approval Idolatry)
  3. I have this kind of pleasure experience, a particular quality of life.” (Comfort idolatry)
  4. I am able to get mastery over my life in the area of _____.” (Control Idolatry)
  5. People are dependent on me and need me.” (Helping Idolatry)
  6. Someone is there to protect me and keep me safe.” (Dependence Idolatry)
  7. I am completely free from obligations or responsibilities to take care of someone.” (Independence Idolatry)
  8. I am highly productive and getting a lot done.” (Work Idolatry)
  9. I am being recognized for my accomplishments, and I am excelling in my work.” (Achievement Idolatry)
  10. I have a certain level of wealth, financial freedom, and very nice possessions.” (Materialism Idolatry)
  11. I am adhering to my religion’s moral codes and accomplished in its activities.” (Religion Idolatry)
  12. My race and culture is ascendant and recognized as superior.” (Racial/cultural Idolatry)
  13. A particular social grouping or professional grouping or other group lets me in.” (Inner ring Idolatry)
  14. My children and/or my parents are happy and happy with me.” (Family Idolatry)
  15. Mr. or Ms. “Right” is in love with me.” (Relationship Idolatry)
  16. I am hurting, in a problem; only then do I feel worthy of love or able to deal with guilt.” (Suffering Idolatry)
  17. My political or social cause is making progress and ascending in influence or power.” (Ideology Idolatry)
  18. I have a particular kind of look or body image.” (Image Idolatry)

  May the LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace. 

~ Numbers 6:24–26




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