June 2, 2024

The God Who Sustains

Psalm 3

This week, Pastor David began a Summer sermon series from the book of Psalms. He showed us:

  • God does not grant His followers immunity from the difficulties of life.
  • God does sustain His followers through the difficulties of life.


  • While we often treat difficulties and challenges as rude intruders, Pastor David shared that God does not grant His followers immunity from the difficulties of life (Psalm 3:1–2). How have you experienced this truth in your life?
  • Even though we know that God doesn't grant immunity from difficulty to His people, He does sustain His people during difficulties (Psalm 3:3–8). Where did David find his confidence? What is your hope when you are caught in the crosshairs of life’s hurts and challenges? Explain.
  • Pastor David pointed out that David was able to sleep even though he was running from people who wanted to capture him. What encourages you about knowing that you can sleep because God never does?
  • We are not rescued from every illness, challenge, difficulty, or injustice. The promises in the Psalms are true for us because they have been fulfilled in Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith. How does that sustain you during your difficult days and seasons?


The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24–26






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