June 23, 2024

The God You Can Trust

Psalm 23


This week, Pastor David shared a message from Psalm 23, reflecting on God as the Shepherd who knows us. We saw that:


  • God Provides Provision For His Sheep
  • God Loves Us Sacrificially
  • God Feeds Us Spiritually
  • God Restores Us Personally
  • God Guides Us Faithfully



  • Pastor David shared that the image of the shepherd caring for his flock is an intimate and personal image to describe God’s provision for us. Describe the comfort and reassurance you experience in the 17 personal pronouns used in this Psalm. How does the truth of God’s personal care and provision encourage you as you continue to walk with Him daily?
  • Which of the ways that God provides for us—sacrificially, spiritually, personally, and faithfully—is the one you most need at this moment in your journey? How can you change your schedule this week to make more time for prayer and communion with the Lord Jesus?
  • Pastor David said that our Good Shepherd does not drive us, coerce us, manipulate us, or trick us. He leads us, and He will never lead us astray. We always have everything in Jesus—everything we need for true joy, true peace, true contentment, and true guidance. Who or what are you tempted to follow instead of following your Good Shepherd?
  • The Good Shepherd at the heart of this Psalm is strong, and His muscles are flexed to defend us as we walk through the valley. Believers and followers of Jesus are not alone as we walk through the valleys of sickness, depression, betrayal, and uncertainty. How does this truth give you courage as face the valleys in your life?
  • The psalmist (Psalm 23:6) and the Apostle John (John 14:1–3) echo the promise that our ultimate home is with Jesus. While our earthly home is full of trials, the home we truly long for is perfect. We will walk and talk with Jesus there without the obstruction of sin. How does this truth give you hope as you face the challenges ahead of you this week?

The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24–26






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