
June 26, 2022

Sermon Title: Pergamum: The Compromising Church

ScriptureRevelation 2:12–17


This week, Pastor David continued the sermon series from Revelation, looking specifically at the church at Pergamum.


Going Deeper:   


  • Jesus began His words to the church at Pergamum by sharing that He understood the pressures and temptations they faced. How are you encouraged by the truth that Jesus understands exactly what you are going through in your life?
  • How does Satan attempt to deceive you and turn you away from God’s direction?
  • Jesus commended the church at Pergamum for holding fast to His name, which was the revelation of who He is and what He did (verse 13). Describe what it means in your life to hold fast to Jesus’ name.
  • Pastor David shared the story of a ship captain that used a light on the ship as a guiding light instead of using the North Star. Why is it important for us to use a reference point outside ourselves to guide us? How is Scripture the reference point that guides you?

  May the LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace. ~ Numbers 6:24–26





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