June 9, 2024

The God Who Hears

Psalm 5

This week, Pastor David shared a message from Psalm 5. We were reminded:

  • You Can Be Assured That God Hears You In Prayer (verses 1–3)
  • You Can Rest In The Unchanging Nature Of The God Who Hears Our Prayers (verses 4–7)
  • Rest In God's Unchanging Holiness
  • Rest In God's Unchanging Love


  • The Psalms are comforting to us when we have no words (and often when the only thing we do have is an ache or groan.) Are your prayers different when you are experiencing times of spiritual darkness? Explain.
  • The message of Psalm 5 is that David’s hope is grounded in the unchanging, unwavering, unshifting, and unshakable character of God. What circumstances in your life tempt you to lean on yourself? How can you lean more fully on God and rest in Him instead?
  • Because God infinitely loves everything good, He stands in opposition to those who ignore this truth in their lives. Sometimes, we wish we could "edit" God to make Him fit our idea of how He should operate. What parts of His character are you tempted to "leave in the box" as referenced by Pastor David? Why?
  • Pastor David shared that it is important to understand that our right standing before a holy God isn’t in our good works but rather in the unfailing love of God (Psalm 5:7; Titus 3:4-6). The steadfast love of God is shown in and by Jesus, our hope and righteousness. Describe the meaning of this good news in your walk with Jesus.


Romans 8:26

The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24–26





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