March 24, 2024

The Triumphal Entry

Matthew 21:9–11; Luke 19:39–41

This week, Bayron Mosquera, Dawson's Hispanic Pastor, shared a message on Jesus' Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem. We focused on:

  1. The Reaction Of The People In Jerusalem
  2. The Reaction Of The Pharisees In Jerusalem
  3. The Reaction Of Jesus Entering Jerusalem


  • The Triumphal Entry is one of the few accounts of Jesus' life that appears in all four Gospels. Describe why this event is significant for the people of Jesus' time as well as for Christians today.
  • The crowds in Jerusalem asked, “Who is Jesus?" The answer to that question is more than theoretical because it's an answer we make with our words and our actions. Who is Jesus to you? Does your life proclaim that Jesus is Lord?
  • In connection with Jesus’ words in Luke 19:40, Pastor Bayron shared the significance of stones in the Bible. What evidence is there in your life that you are an instrument of God, chosen to share His name? Explain.
  • Jesus cried when He approached Jerusalem because he knew the people looked for salvation everywhere except in Him, the place they could truly find it. How do you react when you see the state of our world today? What can you do this week to be more sensitive to the lost people you encounter?

The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24–26





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