May 5, 2024

Acts: Uttermost

Acts 11:19–30

This week, Pastor David continued the series from Acts and the origin of the nickname "Christians." He reminded us that we are called and empowered to live distinctively.


  • One of the lessons from Acts 11 is that, despite the darkness in the culture, the Church can shine brightly for the gospel of Jesus. In what ways do you see the Church shining brightly today?
  • Likely, the nickname “Christian” would have been given in jest, because the disciples spoke of Christ so often. What was the significance of the people of Antioch being the ones to first give the disciples the nickname of Christians?
  • While Luke does name many famous people in the book of Acts, there are many unsung heroes whose names are lost. The majority of Christians can point to unsung heroes who have shared their faith with little recognition or fanfare. How are you encouraged by God using ordinary people to share His love?
  • Pastor David shared that we are called and empowered to live distinctively. How will you be intentional about doing that this week?


The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24–26





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