May 14, 2023

Passing The Baton

2 Timothy 1:3–6;14–15

This week, Pastor David shared a message about passing our faith on to future generations. He showed 2 practical ways we can do this:

1.   Pass The Baton Of Faith By Cherishing The Word of God.

2.   Pass The Baton Of Faith By Trusting In God’s Sovereign Care.


  • Paul wrote about the importance of Timothy’s spiritual heritage. Who are the people that have passed their faith to you? How did they model faith to you?
  • Pastor David shared that we have a responsibility to pass the baton of faith to our children, grandchildren, and those we encounter as we serve in the church. How does God's Word help you do that?
  • In Romans 16:12–13, we are reminded of the importance of "spiritual" mothers. How are you encouraged by the presence and/or memory of spiritual mothers in your life? Who can you be a spiritual mother to and how can you pass your faith on to future generations?

The grace of the LORD Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. ~ 2 Corinthians 13:14 




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