October 13, 2024
Acts 20

This week Pastor David taught a message from Acts that reflects on Paul's farewell message. In the message he unpacked:


  • Paul’s farewell to the Ephesian elders hits a nerve with us because we know that our own goodbyes are hard. When and how have you experienced this reality of a hard goodbye? Describe
  • As he left those he loved in Ephesus, Paul said the church should prioritize being a community anchored in the truth of God’s Word (vv. 20–212730). We are called to not shrink back from the never-changing truth of God. What church leaders have you seen live out this truth well? What did you learn from this person?
  • Pastor David shared that in our current cultural moment there is a temptation to contort the truth of God’s Word into what we want God to be or what we want God to say. When have you treated the truth of the Bible as a “buffet line”? How do you need to change your schedule this week to create more time for the study of God’s Word?
  • Paul also called the church to live with each other in deep love and loyalty (vv. 3136–37). Pastor David shared that God made us community because we all have a deep desire to be truly known, truly seen, and truly heard. How have your brothers and sisters in Christ helped you through difficult times in your life? Is there someone you need to encourage this week?


  • View Acts sermon series here.

The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24–26

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