October 20, 2024
Acts 21:1-15

This week, Pastor David taught a message from Acts 21. In the message, he unpacked:

Perspectives to Consider:

Principle to Consider:

  • We must be open to Godly counsel, but not all counsel is from God.



  • Pastor David described that obedience to God’s call on our lives, at times, will not always be understood by those who care deeply for us. Describe a time this has been true in your life.
  • Paul was on a mission (Acts 20:2223), and he was going to Jerusalem despite the counsel of those around him. We hear the echo of the words of Jesus in Luke 18 when Paul declares his resolve. How can you describe your thankfulness for Jesus’ resolve and that of Paul and countless other Christians who did not allow the well-meaning advice of others to persuade them not to follow the direction of God in their lives?
  • Pastor David explained a principle for us to consider: We must be open to Godly counsel, but not all counsel is from God. In what circumstances have you learned that counsel from friends and family about your life is not the Word of the Lord in your life? Describe the difference.
  • Pastor David shared that this is an exceptional Word, but it is one we need to hear. How often do you pray, “Let the will of the Lord be done” for your life? How do you need to change your schedule this week to make more time for confession and praying for guidance regarding a decision you face?

The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.
Numbers 6:24–26


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