September 1, 2024
Acts 15:36-41

This week, Pastor David taught a message from Acts that reflects on Paul's continuing journey to spread the Gospel. Two important points we unpacked were:

Discord of the Early Church Echoes Discord of Today
God is Sovereign Over All


  • Barnabas and Paul made a great team. God knit their gifts together, and they were bound by both their joys and their wounds. When have you been a part of a great team? What impact did that experience make on your life?
  • Because John Mark had turned back on their first missionary journey, Barnabas and Paul disagreed on taking him to visit the churches again. While they were both missionaries spreading the good news of the Gospel, here we see them in frustration and anger. Describe how you feel about the raw honesty of God’s Word. Is it comforting to you?
  • Pastor David shared that we could get the false impression that the church is a spotless museum of perfection. However, God has not put a protective covering over our stains, disagreements, disputes, and scandals, and He is still drawing people to Himself even with all of our rough edges. How have you found this to be true in the churches of which you have been a part?
  • Often, we may feel like there are parts of our lives that are broken and unsalvageable—lost businesses, churches splits, family disagreements, and enduring promises shattered. But, as Pastor David reminds us, God is the great Salvager—He can and does make things new. Do you actually believe He is able to write new chapters in your life even after splits and disagreements and brokenness?

The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24–26

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