"Teach me your way, Oh Lord, and I will walk in your truth." Psalm 86:11

In order to continue conversation at home about praising God and learning our unit Bible verse, these resources are provided for your convenience:

  • The Unit Bible Verse (Psalm 86:11) Video: Play Above
  • Family Faith Talks for each week: See Below
  • Weekly Take Home sheets: Download Below

Family Faith Talks Conversation Starters:

September 8 Family Faith Talk: What did Hannah ask God at the Tabernacle? (To give her a baby boy.) Hannah showed her love for God by praying to Him. She asked God for help when she wanted a baby. We can talk to God, too. We can show our love for God and ask for His help. What are some of the places where you talk to God?

September 15 Family Faith Talk: What are some of the chores Samuel probably did at the Tabernacle? (Polished candlesticks. Carried firewood. Swept floor. Opened and closed the doors.) Samuel did his best to help and obey Eli. Samuel loved God. We can show we love God by doing our best to help and obey, too! Who is someone you can help at home? (Mom, Dad, grandparent, baby-sitter, etc.) What is something you can do to help your mother?

September 22 Family Faith Talk: What woke Samuel up in the middle of the night? (A voice calling his name.) Samuel showed his love for God by listening to Him. We can show our love for God by listening to His Word, the Bible. When do you hear stories from God’s Word?

September 29 Family Faith Talk: How did Samuel obey God? (He went to see Jesse. He waited for God to tell him who to make king.) Samuel obeyed God when he showed that David would be the new king. Samuel showed that he loved God by obeying Him. We can show we love God by obeying Him and doing what’s right, too! What is one way you’ve obeyed your parents today?
