“Whatever you do, whether in word or deed. Do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus.” Colossians 3:17

In order to continue conversation at home about praising God and learning our unit Bible verse, these resources are provided for your convenience:

  • The Unit Bible Verse (Colossians 3:17) Video: Play Above
  • Family Faith Talks for each week: See Below
  • Weekly Take Home sheets: Download Below

Family Faith Talks Conversation Starters:

Jaunary 5 Family Faith Talk: Who helped the lame man? (Jesus. Peter. John.) We can help others, too! When we help others, we are obeying God! How can you help your mom at dinnertime? (Put napkins on the table. Wash my hands.) How can you help your dad when you go to the store? (Stay close to him. Obey what he says.)

January 12 Family Faith Talk: What was the name of the man who shared? (Barnabas.) What did Jesus’ friends share? (Food and clothes.) We can help others by sharing with them! Sharing means giving things to people who need them. Sharing can also mean letting others use our things. What can you share with someone who is hungry? (Food.) What can you share when we are playing with blocks? (Blocks. Toy people.)

January 19 Family Faith Talk: What did the people do to be kind? (Made sure the women got enough to eat. Jesus’ friends chose seven special helpers to give the food to the women.) We can be kind and help others, too. When can you be kind to your mom? Your dad? Your brothers or sisters?

January 26 Family Faith Talk: When Dorcas died, how did Peter help her? Peter prayed and God made Dorcas live again! Dorcas’ friends were glad that God loved her and made her alive again. I’m glad that God loves and helps me, too. Thank You, God, for loving us and helping us.

February 2 Family Faith Talk: Who did God send to help Peter out of prison? (Angel.) Even in prison, God was with Peter and helped him. I’m glad God is with me wherever I go. God is with you and loves you wherever you go! Where do you like to go and eat food? God is with you when you go there.


