Week Of October 30, 2022 VOL 25, NO.44

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Together in Worship

Sunday, October 30, 2022

This Sunday, Dr. David Eldridge continues the sermon series on 1 Thessalonians with a message entitled Facing Death from 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18.

Worship Services
8:30 a.m., 9:45 a.m., & 11:00 a.m. - Sanctuary
11:00 a.m. - Hispanic Service, Chapel 

Hispanic Congregation Online

Life Groups

8:30 a.m.   Adults, Preschool, Hearts & Hands
9:45 a.m.   Adults, Students, Kids, Preschool, Hearts & Hands
11:00 a.m.   Adults, College, Preschool, Adult Special Education

Sunday, October 30, 2022

This Sunday, Dr. David Eldridge continues the sermon series on 1 Thessalonians with a message entitled Facing Death from 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18.

Worship Services
8:30 a.m., 9:45 a.m., & 11:00 a.m. - Sanctuary
11:00 a.m. - Hispanic Service, Chapel 

Hispanic Congregation Online

Life Groups

8:30 a.m.   Adults, Preschool, Hearts & Hands
9:45 a.m.   Adults, Students, Kids, Preschool, Hearts & Hands
11:00 a.m.   Adults, College, Preschool, Adult Special Education
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What's Happening


Commitment Sunday is November 6!

God is at work in and through the Dawson Family of Faith. During the month of November, we encourage you to make a commitment for your 2023 giving through one of these 4 ways:
1. Place commitment card in any offering receptacle in any worship service.
2. Online at
3. Text the word “GRATITUDE” to 205.997.3717.
4. Mail your commitment card to the Church Office.
As a part of our fall Stewardship Emphasis, you also are encouraged to make a sacrificial gift over and above your giving commitment to support Dawson mission projects in 2023. Our 2022 Commitment Day Offering goal is $124,000. God has truly been faithful to Dawson, and He is calling us to give faithfully. May we continue to be found faithful as God’s people.

Contact: Brad Gowing at



Commitment Sunday is November 6!

God is at work in and through the Dawson Family of Faith. During the month of November, we encourage you to make a commitment for your 2023 giving through one of these 4 ways:
1. Place commitment card in any offering receptacle in any worship service.
2. Online at
3. Text the word “GRATITUDE” to 205.997.3717.
4. Mail your commitment card to the Church Office.
As a part of our fall Stewardship Emphasis, you also are encouraged to make a sacrificial gift over and above your giving commitment to support Dawson mission projects in 2023. Our 2022 Commitment Day Offering goal is $124,000. God has truly been faithful to Dawson, and He is calling us to give faithfully. May we continue to be found faithful as God’s people.

Contact: Brad Gowing at


October Memory Verse

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? As it is written, “For your sake we are being killed all the day long; we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered.”
Romans 8:35–36

Together in Missions

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OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD Sunday, November 13, Sanctuary Foyer

Thanks to the power of a simple shoebox, millions of children will experience the love of God and hear the Gospel this year. You, your family, or your Life Group can be a part of reaching this year’s goal of 100 million children by packing a shoebox. In preparation for this year’s Operation Christmas Child ministry, you can stop by the table in the Next Steps Area or the Church Office to pick up a brochure and a flat shoebox. All prepared shoeboxes must be turned in at the display table in the Sanctuary Foyer on or before November 13.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are unable to pick up a brochure on campus, you can print one at

Contact: Ben Hale at

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WOMEN ON MISSION Tuesday, November 8, 10:00 a.m., Social Hall

Please come hear from a local church member who answered God’s call to move to the Middle East. We will collect toiletry and classroom supplies for M-Power. A list is available by contacting Janelle Young at Don’t miss the delicious brunch food and coffee provided by our kitchen staff!

Contact: Ben Hale at

kidsconnection together

Your family or Life Group can help make Christmas merry for families shopping at Kids Connection! Parents and caregivers are shopping now for gifts that will be under the tree at their homes. Would you consider purchasing new, unopened, and unwrapped toys for local children? Visit our Facebook or Instagram pages for great suggestions, or pick up a flyer at the Welcome Desks in the North Building or Arendall Building.

Contact: Ben Hale at

Together in Ministries

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QUIET RETREAT Thursday, November 3, 9:00 a.m., The LOFT

This Fall, we’d like to invite women to experience a weekday quiet retreat at Dawson. The majority of this retreat will be personal time to commune with God through guided practices. We will begin and end our time in Scripture and discussing the importance of creating space in our life to retreat. Our prayer is that participants will experience soul refreshment and mind renewal. The next Retreat option is November 3 from 9:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. Space is limited. Please register at

Contact: Kristen Torres at

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PRESCHOOL MUSIC & MISSIONS FALL PROGRAM Wednesday, November 9, 6:15 p.m., Chapel

Prepare your heart for thanksgiving as our 4K and Kindergarten Music & Missions classes present their fall program, “Give Thanks to the Lord.” The memorized Bible verses and songs included are a culmination of the Bible truths our Dawson preschoolers have been learning this semester on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. We thank God for the volunteers who have instilled these Bible truths in young hearts and minds. You’re invited to praise God for His good gifts along with these precious children.

Contact: Brooke Gibson at

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Help us honor our veterans and active military at our Veterans Day Luncheon on November 11. Dawson will be celebrating in two new ways this year: with memorial flowers and a photo display. If you would like to purchase a flower in memory or honor of a veteran, the cost is $15 each. The flowers will decorate the Fellowship Hall on November 11 at our luncheon. If you would like to share a photo of a veteran that day, please bring it to the Church Office prior to November 1. We will display the pictures at the luncheon. Include on the back of the photo: 1. full name of the person, 2. branch of service/rank, 3. war(s) served in (if applicable), and 4. specific years of service. Also, please list the person to whom the photo will be returned.

Contact: Tommy Sanders at

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VETERANS DAY LUNCHEON Friday, November 11, 11:30 a.m., Fellowship Hall

Please join us in celebrating our veterans and active military personnel at a luncheon in the Fellowship Hall on Friday, November 11 at 11:30 am. Veterans and their spouses, as well as active military personnel and their spouses will be guests of Dawson at the luncheon. Everyone else is also invited to help celebrate these valiant men and women; the cost of a ticket is $7. Reservations are required and can be made at the Dawson front desk. Danny Turner is our speaker, the Samford Honor Guard will present colors, and Robin Wilhelm and Kimberly Cook will provide special music. Reservation deadline is Sunday, November 6. 

Contact: Tommy Sanders at

Together in Prayer

Family Dedication

Sadie Claire Horton, daughter of Allison and Grant Horton, will participate with her family in dedication this Sunday during the 8:30 a.m. worship service. Sadie was born on March 30, 2022. Her grandparents are Tim and Lesli Riley of Montgomery and Ken Horton and Connie Horton
of Birmingham. Her great-grandparents are Marion Riley of Alexander City and Christine Horton of Jemison.

Fraser Downey Glass, son of Tessa and Travis Glass, will participate with his family in dedication this Sunday during the 9:45 a.m. worship service. Fraser was born on April 14, 2022. His grandparents are Carol and Larry Albert of Katy, TX, and Ann and Barry Glass of Hoover. His great-grandparents are Helen Glass of Talladega and Barbie Albert of Elk City, OK.

In Love and Sympathy

Cyndi and Alfredo Cortes in the death of Cyndi’s mother; Karina Cortes and Adrian and David Cortes in the death of Karina and David’s grandmother.

Sue and Ron Lindsey in the death of Ron’s brother.

Hollie and Jonathan Pritchett in the death of Jonathan’s grandmother.

Shari and Carl Schaefer in the death of Carl’s mother; Christopher Schaefer, Kim and Trey Schaefer, and Lacey and Ben Hutto in the loss of Christopher, Trey, and Lacey’s grandmother; Grayson, Davis, and Will Schaefer, and Adalynn and Annie Hutto in the death of their great-grandmother.

Nancy and Alan Zeigler in the death of Nancy’s sister.


Whitney and Connor Hallmark on the birth of their son, Jon Ryder Hallmark, on October 20, 2022.

Natalie and Jeff Stevens on the birth of their son, Nathan Reid Stevens, on October 21, 2022.

Welcome to Dawson

Anna Fisher, Kerrig Kelly, Katelyn McCoy, and Beckett Myers

Ordinance of Baptism

Elizabeth Caudle, Kavan Eldredge, Ben Henderson, and John Wyatt Mooney // 11:00 a.m.

Together This Week

Sunday, October 30

8:30 a.m. Worship in the Sanctuary & Online
8:30 a.m. Life Groups
9:45 a.m. Worship in the Sanctuary & Online
9:45 a.m. Life Groups
11:00 a.m. Worship in the Sanctuary & Online
11:00 a.m. Life Groups
11:00 a.m. Hispanic Congregation Worship/Chapel & Online
4:00 p.m. Chapel Puppets/351 North
4:00 p.m. Chapel Ensemble/Choir Room
5:00 p.m. Chapel Choir & MIddle School Choir Rehearsal/3rd FL North
5:00 p.m. Middle School Choir Rehearsal/354 North
5:00 p.m. Bible Drill & Bible Buddies/2nd FL Arendall

Monday, October 31

7:00 a.m. Men's Bible Study/Social Hall

Tuesday, November 1

7:00 a.m. Go Love Tell Prayer Meeting/Online
10:30 a.m. Sara Finley Life Group/100 West
7:00 p.m. AUXANO/Chapel

Wednesday, November 2

9:30 a.m. Adult Bible Studies/2nd FL North
11:00 a.m. MidWeek Bible Studies/Social Hall
12:00 p.m. Fellowship Lunch/Fellowship Hall
4:45 p.m. Fellowship Supper/Fellowship Hall
Taco Salad and Dessert
Kids Sacks: Crispitos
6:00 p.m. MidWeek Bible Studies/Social Hall
6:00 p.m. Adult Bible Studies/2nd FL North
6:00 p.m. Preschool Music & Missions/Arendall & East
6:00 p.m. Collide/Arendall & East
6:00 p.m. DSM Illuminate/The LOFT
6:00 p.m. Sanctuary Choir/Choir Room
6:00 p.m. Sanctuary Orchestra/Sanctuary

Thursday, November 3

9:00 a.m. ESL Classes/2nd FL North
9:00 a.m. QUIET Retreat/The Loft
10:00 a.m. Dawsonaires/Choir Room


Watch us live at, or watch us each week on CBS 42 on Sundays (one week delayed) at 10:00 a.m.