We invite you to join a weekday study to be transformed by the Living Word of God. Studies are offered on Wednesday mornings and evenings in the fall and spring semesters. They are offered on Tuesday evenings in the summer. Each study offers a welcoming space to study Scripture, share life, and encourage one another in Christ.
Register for a study



Sunday morning Life Groups provide an opportunity for interactive Bible Study every week. You are encouraged to visit different life groups to find the best fit for you. If you would like help navigating our life group availability, including life groups for just women, please visit our NEXT STEPS area on Sunday morning.
Find a life group  



Small group discipleship for women is different than a weekday study. Rather than a lecture-style or facilitated short-term study, you will gather weekly with a small group of women to practice Scripture reading, journaling, and praying. Participants will share how God is moving and speaking through His Word and through prayer. D-groups meet on and off campus throughout the week and commit to gathering for a year.
Learn about D-groups


If you have questions or would like to learn more about how to grow in God’s Word with other women in our Dawson family, please contact Kristen Torres, Women's Minister, or Lainee Stidham, Discipleship Ministry Assistant.