Saturday, April 6
Dawson’s 100th Anniversary Celebration is around the corner! Sunday, April 6 is a day of celebration for current and former church members and staff. Special morning services will include former staff recognition and a message from Dr. Gary Fenton. At 4:00 p.m., there will be a Celebration Service in the Sanctuary featuring special music by the Chapel Choir Reunion Choir and a viewing of Dawson’s new documentary film. Immediately following the service, a picnic celebration on church grounds will complete the day with food, children’s activities, live music, and more including a “Decades of Dawson” display featuring memorabilia from bygone days and a special anniversary treat! The festivities will wrap up at 7:00 p.m. Please make plans to join us on April 6 for this wonderful celebration and visit dawsonchurch.org/100YearCelebration for more details.