
January 22, 2023

EXODUS: Holiness

Exodus 21–23:19

This week, Pastor David began a sermon series from the book of Exodus with a comparison of the Old Testament Law and the New Testament Law.

  • The Law Was Given To Show God's People How To Live Well In A Particular Moment In Time.
  • The Law Was Given At A Different Redemptive Moment In Time.
  • The Law Of Christ Has Now Replaced The Old Testament Law In Our Lives.
  • The Law Points Us To The Unchanging Character And Will Of Our God.
  • Loving Our Neighbor Requires Our Focused Attention
  • God Desires Our Best


  • Following their captivity after generations in Egypt, God gave the Israelites laws to show them how to live well and flourish. At first read, it would be easy to think that the law and rules in Exodus don’t apply to us today. Why is that not true?
  • Pastor David shared that the law was given at a different redemptive moment in time. In the “new covenant," the law that was written on tablets for Moses has been replaced by the “law of the Spirit” written on our hearts. How does the Holy Spirit work to reveal the meaning of Scripture to you and guide you to know God’s will for you? Describe.
  • The law of Christ can be summarized in Mark 12:28–31. It is love; it is love of God and love of others. What are some ways that you can love your neighbors well?
  • The law bears witness to what God values and that God cares about the details of our lives (family/work/life with friends and neighbors). Are you giving God your best? Or are you serving Him your leftovers? What is one thing you can do this week to make sure God gets your very best? 


Jeremiah 31:31–33

Galatians 6:2

Mark 12:28–31

Romans 15:4

The grace of the LORD Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.  ~2 Corinthians 13:14 




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