May 26, 2024

Count The Cost

Luke 9:57–62

This week, Jonathan Propes, Dawson's Discipleship Pastor, shared a message from the Gospel of Luke about the costs of following Jesus. In this passage, Jesus has three conversations with would-be disciples. In those conversations, Jesus instructed them to:

  1. Count The Cost Of Comfort (verses 57–58)
  2. Count The Cost Of Concern (verses 59–60)
  3. Count The Cost Of Connection (verses 61–62)


  • In the first conversation, Jesus called His disciples to deny comfort and ease to follow Him. When you think about counting the cost of following Jesus, what comes to mind? Describe what comforts you have had to give up in order to follow Him.
  • In the second conversation, Jesus taught that, while our earthly relationships are important, following Jesus is to be our highest loyalty/priority. How are you able to prioritize your relationship with Jesus over your earthly relationships?
  • In the third conversation, Jesus taught His disciples to look ahead instead of looking back. When are you tempted to lose focus and “look back” in your spiritual journey? What helps you maintain your focus on Jesus instead of focusing on the things you have lost?
  • What you are holding on to right now that Jesus is calling you to relinquish? Are you willing to let it go for the sake of following HIm?


The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24–26





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