“Great is our Lord and mighty in power.” Psalm 147:5

In order to continue conversation at home about praising God and learning our unit Bible verse, these resources are provided for your convenience:

  • The Unit Bible Verse (Psalm 147:5) Video: Play Above
  • Family Faith Talks for each week: See Below
  • Weekly Take Home sheets: Download Below

Family Faith Talks Conversation Starters:

March 16 Family Faith Talk: What does God give the birds? What does He give the flowers? (Food to eat. Beautiful colored petals.) Jesus wanted people to know how much God cares for each of us. God cares for you and me and ALL the things He has made! What hes God given to show His care for you?

March 23 Family Faith Talk: What did Jesus do to help His friends? (Jesus stopped a very big storm.) Jesus helped His friends when they were afraid. Jesus has great power. We can ask Jesus for help, too! When are some times you are afraid? Whenever you're afraid, you can ask Jesus to help you!

March 30 Family Faith Talk: What happened when the blind man washed the mud from his eyes like Jesus told him? (He could see.) Jesus His love by helping the blind man see. Jesus helps us, too. He is always with us. Where do you go? Jesus is with you there. How does Jesus show His love to us? (He is always with us. He listens when we pray. He helps us when we ask.)

April 6 Family Faith Talk: What good thing did Jesus give all the people? (Food to eat.) Jesus gives us good things, too. I'm thankful that Jesus loves us and gives us good things. What are some of the good things Jesus has given you? (Food to eat. Clothes to wear. A house to live in. People who love me.)
