Faithful Together Pray With Gratitude
Pray for gratitude for Dawson's past
Gracious God, we come to you with hearts full of gratitude as we remember faithful Dawson members from the past who gave of their time, talent, and resources to build and grow our church. Help us be mindful of their great love for you as they laid the foundation for a century of kingdom work, spreading the gospel from 1114 Oxmoor Road in Homewood.
Thank God for...
- Those who prayed in faith that a church would be built
- Those who served to establish a strong theological foundation
God’s word is our authority
My word shall accomplish that for which I purpose — Isaiah 55:9–11
Prayer is our priority
Whoever abides in me, he it is that bears much fruit — John 15:5
Worship is our response
Present your bodies as a living sacrifice, which is your spiritual worship — Romans 12:1
Discipleship is our focus
These words that I command you, you shall teach them diligently — Deuteronomy 6:4–7
Missions is our passion
You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem,