Adults 65+
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For nearly a century there has been an upward trend in people living longer. Americans sixty-five and older are the fastest growing segment of the population. An American turns sixty every seven seconds. The baby boom generation includes seventy-eight million people born between 1946 and 1964.
It is no accident that God has allowed such a large number of older people to be alive at this moment in time. In His great sovereignty and wisdom, He chose this time to raise up an army of older adults for His purposes. We must tap into God's plan for this generation to see them come to Christ, grow in Him, and be engaged in meangingful service.
The Senior Adult Ministry is designed to provide opportunities for people sixty-five and older to grow in three ways: their relationship with God through worship, Bible study, and prayer; their relationship with the church through fellowship and ministry to the Body of Christ; and their relationship with the world through evangelism, missions, and Christian service.
For help in choosing a Life Group, please visit the Next Steps area, located in the Foyer of the Main Building. Hosts or hostesses will assist you and help you find the classroom. You may also contact Tommy Sanders, Associate Pastor, at (205) 871-7324 or